Meet the Team

Dave Jones
Dave is our Managing Director and began Alchemy way back in 1995. Like all the Alchemy office staff he has at some point worked on the ‘front line’ which means he has a very real appreciation of the challenges that the daily operatives face. He is a great believer in the empowerment of all his colleagues having discovered through experience that this is the best way of getting the finest from the team.
Now based in the Dorset office, his role these days is that of ensuring performance and financial targets are met and meeting clients whenever possible, which helps him keep his feet on the ground!

Karen Bennett
Karen is our Operations Director and has overall responsibility for the daily running of the business from the Alchemy offices in Keynsham. She has worked at all levels of the business and has a full understanding of what we need to provide, to succeed and maintain our 28-year unbroken run of being in business. Amongst many varied duties, she is ultimately responsible for HR and Health and Safety which falls under her remit. Fiercely loyal to the company she has worked for Alchemy for 21years.

Peter Bennett
Pete has worked for Alchemy for 19 years, starting as a Site Manager at one of our larger sites. He is now our Client Account Manager and is responsible for keeping in contact with clients, visiting their sites and generally representing the company on a regular basis. Hard to tie down to a desk, he is also very keen on keeping his hand in and will often be found heading up Carpet Cleaning and other specialist tasks.

Michelle Webb
Michelle has been successfully running the Alchemy Payroll for many years but her heart really lies in Operations, an area she started in with Alchemy and is gradually moving back towards. Having experience of all areas of the business makes her role vital when dealing with cleaning colleagues and on occasion, clients. She constantly reminds us that after Dave, she is the longest serving member of the office team, clocking up an impressive 25 years.

Kim Hawkes
Kim has done many administration roles in the 25 years she has worked for Alchemy and is currently responsible for Customer Service, a role we are very happy with as she never forgets anything. Her commitments as a mother means she can’t work for us on a full-time basis but unlike Kim, we can’t wait for her children to grow up and leave home!

Mandie Rodgers
Mandie is our tenacious Accounts Administrator and is pivotal in ensuring the flow of cash is constant, both in and out of the business. With an eye for detail, she keeps Dave on his toes and ensures margins are being met, suppliers are paid on time and of course, our clients pay us in a timely fashion. Central to her role is operating the accounts system and liaising with our accountants and bank. Mandie has been with us for 10 years.

Sarah Eddolls
Sarah is the newest addition to the team and is the person you will speak to should you call the office as she is based in Reception. Organised and keen to learn, she keeps the machinery running well. Her other duties include ordering stock on behalf of both cleaners and clients as well as keeping a keen eye on fleet, visitors and just about everything else!